Gastroenterology and endoscopy

We have one of the largest groups of gastroenterologists in West Michigan, and our dedicated team of health care professionals performs the latest diagnostic testing in gastroenterology, using modern treatment techniques to manage digestive disease. Our high volume endoscopy center performs over 20,000 procedures per year. We have an above average Adenoma Detection Rate (ADR), and are dedicated to preserving the digestive health of our patients and providing the outstanding care every patient deserves. We have improved access to both endoscopy and clinical office by expanding the number of physicians and implementing a scheduled walk in clinic at our Grand Rapids office. We have also streamlined our direct endoscopy referral process with concise clinical guidelines.

Specialty programs and clinics

Barrett's esophagus clinic
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Our multispecialty team of experts provides comprehensive, personalized treatment plans for patients with Barrett’s esophagus, a precancerous condition caused by chronic gastrointestinal reflux disease. The team includes surgeons, pathologists and nurses with expertise in medical, surgical and endoscopic management of Barrett’s esophagus, including radio frequency ablation. To be eligible for referral, patients must be diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus and have at least one of the following criteria:

  • Any type of dysplasia
  • Family history of esophageal cancer
  • Under age 50 with long-segment Barrett’s esophagus defined as segments greater than 3 centimeters in length
Inflammatory bowel disease clinic
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Spectrum Health’s Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinic delivers high-quality care to patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis by ensuring access to a multidisciplinary team of highly trained experts, who focus on guideline-driven management, and incorporating the most up-to-date advances into our practice. Our commitment to patient education facilitates shared decision-making in order to create personalized treatment plans for each patient. The multispecialty team includes:

  • Gastroenterologists
  • Colorectal surgeons
  • Advanced practice providers
  • IBD clinical registered nurses
  • Ostomy nursing specialists

Your patients will have access to a dedicated IBD nurse and social worker to assist them in communicating with physicians, help coordinate care and provide encouragement and support.

Your patients will have access to a dedicated IBD nurse and social worker to assist them in communicating with physicians, help coordinate care and provide encouragement and support.

Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy

Incisionless outpatient procedures offer accurate diagnosis and treatment alternatives to complex, invasive surgery.

Advanced esophageal management
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We have high resolution manometry with pH impedance and bravo pH studies to assist in evaluating and managing complex patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and dysphagia. We perform a variety of esophageal dilation, including the use of botox.

View Our SHMG Physicians & Advanced Practice Providers

Our experienced doctors and specialists are ready to serve you, right in your community.